Her music

Musik for more energy and zest for life
Mandy makes music for people who want to be in a good mood, maybe need some encouragement and to put a smile on their face. People who are asp willing to work on themselves. They need someone to nudge them and say "That's going to pass, too. Head up! Make the beast of it!" Mandy wants to animate that,
"Best Day"
To see the best every day, Mandy composed the song “Best Day”. The groovy Latin sound brings sun to the hearts. Catapult emotions and fantasies to the Copa Cabana.
“Give every day a chance to be the best of your life." (Mark Twain)
Even through dark times, Mandy knows exactly what it’s like when things don’t go so well. She wants to pass on the hope, courage and the “light at the end of the tunnel” that was given to her at that time.
Mandy's vision is clear:
"My music should inspire, awaken and inspire people to live a life full of joy and to be thankful for the small things." Many fans keep saying: "When I listen to Mandy’s music, I automatically get in a good mood!" It's her way as a singer and songwriter to make the world a little bit better every day.
"Action, Go!"
Already in 2018, Mandy was inspired to write her song "Action, Go!" by her mentor Marc Galal. Mandy herself has "found back to life", as she puts it. And "Action, Go!" is always used when it comes to putting what you have learned into practice, finally getting up, moving, starting with the necessary change and realizing your personal potential. Especially when you think you’re tied to the ground with heavy chains, it’s high time to learn how to fly. It’s time to break the shackles, break out of the cramped and venture new things.
As Pippi Longstocking says, "I’ve never tried this before, so I’m absolutely sure I can do it."
So, ..."Action, Go!"
Time for departure!
Mandy's songs are intended to motivate us to rethink our previous life, to ask the right questions and to find something we commonly understand as gained freedom and meaning in life by searching for new perspectives. If you don't leave, you won’t get anywhere. But breaking out means getting out of one's own comfort zone. It also means falling down occasionally – and getting up again and again. Over and over again. It was with this dormant steadfastness in all of us that we once learned to walk and speak with enthusiasm. In the course of time, many of us have lost the desire for visions, curiosity and hunger for life. You don’t dare any more, out of fear of failure or out of insecurity in the face of the unknown. It is so important to get out of yourself and to break new ground – according to the well-known motto "f you don’t go off the track again and again, you’ll be left behind."