JUST Mandy

alias Mandy Just
Singer and songwriter

JUSTDOIT4U – Künstler- & Eventmanagement
Rapsweg 6
22549 Hamburg

Telefon +49 174-1794176
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09.07.1977 born in Crivitz
1981-83 Piano lessons at the conservatory
1983-dato Self-taught learning of different instruments, such as guitar, flutes, zither, saxophone etc.
1991-1996 Music gymnasium
1991-1996 Conservatory, classical singing, mezzo-soprano
1997-1998 Popmusic, singing lessons with Kurt Nolze
1998-2001 Performances at: Antenne MV, Youth Day - NDR, singing competitions
1999-2001 First own productions and performances in cultural centres, singing competitions
2001-2017 life came in between: Since 2005 independent entrepreneur in the areas of marketing, sales, event organization etc.
2017 First performances after a long break at training events
Seit 2018 Smule-Account and Facebook postings
Seit 2020 Coach for artists who need support due to their current circumstances. Areas: Mindset and music marketing online


The studio work gave JUST Mandy so much pleasure that she used the time freed up by the corona pandemic to produce her own songs and at the same time to fulfill her childhood dream.

The music

The music should touch, move and animate to create a self-determined lifestyle. To be thankful for small things and consciously start every day with a smile. To question difficult situations and to develop alternative perspectives on them. Each of the songs is a little musical coaching in exactly that direction. She herself works as a coach and loves to help other people bring more ease into their lives. Learning solution-oriented thinking and being able to bring oneself into a positive attitude to life is a great gift that she gives her clients and of course also her fans.

MUSIC, THAT MOVES – to think and dance.